From time to time you will need lime for lawns. But how do you know if your grass needs lime? Below are 7 signs that you should add lime to your lawn.
Lime for Lawns is Needed if Your Grass is Yellow
Your lawn will thrive when the soil’s pH is 5.8-7.0. When your soil’s really acidic and its pH level is low, the microbial will be affected. This means that the grass and plants can’t extract the nutrients from your soil effectively. If you see that your grass is becoming yellow, there are patches that are dying or it’s growing weakly, chances are that it needs lime.
Your soil will become much more acidic as time passes because the nutrients get pulled from your soil due to things like certain types of fertilizers being used and water runoff. If you haven’t changed the routine in caring for your lawn, chances are that your soil’s acidity likely has risen.
Your Grass Needs Lime if You Have Lots of Weeds
Many weeds will thrive in soil that’s acidic. Dandelions, which are very common and aggressive, are one of the weeds that love high acidity. Have you noticed a lot of weeds lately? Chances are that you need to add some lime to your grass.
Your Grass Needs Lime if Fertilizers Aren’t Helping
When your lawn is looking sickly, chances are that you first turn to fertilizer. But if the soil’s very acidic, even doing fertilization isn’t going to help it. A lot of acid in the soil stops the plants from gathering the nutrients from the soil. Not only that, but fertilization can even make things worse. So what do you do then? You contact Molloy Lawn & Landscape. They are the experts who will let you know that fertilization isn’t working, and it’s time to add lime to the lawn.
Your Grass Needs Lime if Your Lawn Has Moss
Similar to weeds, moss loves acidic soil. Take a look in the moist, shaded areas. If you are seeing moss growing at your trees’ bases, and going out towards your lawn’s main portion, it might be a sign that the lawn needs lime.
Your Grass Needs Lime if You Have Clay or Sandy Soil
Certain types of soil are more acidic naturally. Clay soil is often more acidic, and sandy soil will encourage runoff which can pull agents that balance pH levels from your soil. When your soil’s built on clay or sandy soil, chances are that it will need lime. To help your grass keep growing well when the soil is sandy, it will require lime application every 2 to 3 years.
Your Grass Needs Lime if You Have a lot of Rainfall
Whether the winter is atypically wet, you have a lot of storms one after another, or the spring is full of rain, a lot of rainfall can mean that you need to add some lime to the lawn.
Water will naturally pull the magnesium and calcium from your soil, and this means that your soil’s pH is more acidic. If you have had a lot of rain, you need to put some lime into the lawn.
Your Grass Needs Lime if Your Lawn Recovers Poorly from Drought
A lawn that is cared for well can often do well even when the pH level is high. However, if there’s drought and your lawn’s under a lot of stress, adding lime to the lawn can make a huge difference.
These are 7 signs your lawn needs lime. If you need professional lawn care service or lime for lawns, don’t hesitate to Contact us for a quote. you can call, click or drop by at 219 Union St Randolph, MA 02368. Remember, There’s No Lawn Like A Molloy Lawn!