Caring for Tulips – 5 Easy Tips

caring for tulips

Now that spring is here, we thought we’d give you some tips for caring for tulips. These beautiful flowers are among the first of spring, and we want you to be able to enjoy them as long as possible. So here are some tips that you can use to make sure that your tulips are beautiful.

Caring for Tulips 1 – Sunlight

Tulips love being in full sunlight. However, you want to make sure that you’re paying attention to temperatures. They will thrive in weather that is warm, rather than hot (55°F to 70°F). you also should make sure that they’re shielded from strong, high winds.

Caring for Tulips 2 – Water

Make sure the soil’s moderately wet. After the bulbs are planted, you should thoroughly water them. however, that’s the last time that you will have to water them heavily. If you get rain once per week, then you won’t have to water them anymore. If there’s a long spell of dry weather, water them once per week. Wet soil and heavy rains cause them to rot.

Caring for Tulips 3 – Temperature

It’s essential that you take good care of your tulip bulbs so that they grow beautifully. This will begin far ahead of their blooming. The bulbs need 12-16 weeks at temperatures 55 and lower. Tulips love areas that have warm summers. However, you want to keep an eye on humidity as well as the rain, since that can cause root rot.

Caring for Tulips 4 – Pests and Problems

  • Pests:  Animals like deer and squirrels love tulips. It’s not uncommon to have bulbs dug up. You can help deter them by planting some daffodils with tulips – a lot of animals avoid them. it’s also possible to bury your bulbs with chicken wire or a cage around them to protect them.
  • Problems: One of the most common problems with tulips is fungal diseases. Two common ones that attack tulips are botrytis blight, which also goes by tulip fire, and basal rot. You can prevent these diseases by making sure that you look over the bulbs before you buy them. Don’t buy any that have noticeable discoloration or blemishes. You also want to plant them in areas that are well-lit and properly draining soil.

Caring for Tulips 5 – Repotting and Propagation

Repotting: Have you noticed that your tulips turned yellow or are wilting? You might need to repot the flowers. First, trim your plant down to its bulb. A lot like planting inside the ground, plant your tulips in the pots in early fall.

  • Dig your bulbs out carefully and then remove the bulbs that have grown and attached to your original bulb. You can store them to use later.
  • Fill the pot ¾ full using soil and put your bulbs inside, giving each one a minimum of ½ in between.
  • Add some more soil until your bulbs’ tops are just peeking out.
  • Put your pot in an area that is well-lit and water it as needed,

Propagation: This is normally done by division during the fall. Lift your whole parent plant gently from the earth in fall after the foliage died. Then pull the new, smaller bulbs from your parent bulbs’ roots. You should plant the new ones when the soil temperatur4e’s 55. You will have to bury them around 8” deep. Water your bulbs well, then watch for some new blooms when spring comes.

We hope that you enjoyed this post about caring for tulips. If you are interested, we offer a plant healthcare program. Contact us here to find out more.

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