A Guide to Massachusetts’ Most Common Garden Insects

As someone living in Massachusetts, you know that we have a lot of garden insects that just love to eat our fresh fruits and vegetables. Before spring comes, we are going to help you by telling you some of the most common garden pests there are so that you know what to look for.

Pest NameWhat It Looks LikeWhat These Bugs go AfterSigns You Have Them
Tomato HornwormsBig green caterpillar w/white chevrons
on its side.

Leaves are chewed starting at the top of your plant.
Imported Cabbage Worms White butterflies during early summer.
Little green caterpillars w/light yellow markings

Holes in Leaves of plants
Cucumber BeetlesLong beetle can either be yellow w/3 black stripes or it can be yellow-green w/12 black spotsCucumber
. Holes in the leaves
plants that are wilted since they can spread something called bacterial wilt.
wilted plants (these bugs can spread bacterial wilt)
Mexican Brown BeetlesBrown, roundish beetles w/black spots.
Larvae is oval in shape and bright yellow and spiny.
BeansChewed bean leaves
Squash BugsAdults are brown and shaped like ‘stink bugs’.
Nympths are light grey and teardrop-shaped.
Summer Squash
Winter Squash
Fruit or leaves have yellow spots on them.Vines are wilted but stem appears to be sound.
Squash Vine BorersMoth w/black or grey body. Has ange-red on abdomen, head, and legs.Pumpkins
Summer Squash
Winter Squash
Big holes near stem base w/yell-green frass. Your plants also might be withered.

If you have any of the above pests in your garden, give us a call. We only use organic means to get rid of your pests so that you can enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables from your garden without the fear of harmful pesticides.

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