Shade-Tolerant Grass Varieties – What Ones to Choose

shade-tolerant grass varieties

Is your yard filled with a lot of trees? If so, one of the things that you want is to know about shade-tolerant grass varieties so that you can have a beautiful and lush lawn. Below we are taking a look at the different types of shade-tolerant grass varieties.

Shade-Tolerant Grass Varieties – Northern Region

If you live in the northern region, usually your autumn and spring seasons are cooler. This means you may have trouble with growing some kinds of grass. The grass types below are the best ones to choose.

Fescues – Fine

These are great for heavily shaded areas, and they grow really well in dry soil. They come in the following varieties:

  • Chewings
  • Hard
  • Red
  • sheep

fescues – Tall

These tolerate many conditions, including:

  • cold
  • drought
  • shade
  • heat

They’re also very versatile.


This will grow well both in the shade as well as in dappled son. It’s a good variety of grass in a cooler climate.

Shade-Tolerant Grass Varieties – Southern Region

When you have a lot of shade in the yard and you’re in the south, the types of grass below are the ones you should choose.

Shade-Tolerant Grass for Southern Regions


This provides you with a lawn that is low in maintenance and that’s durable. It also is great for the warmer seasons and climates.


Centipede is shade and heat tolerant and will flourish in soil that is sandy and acidic. In the climates that have milder climates, it’s going to remain lush, green, and beautiful throughout the year.


Although Zoysia often takes some more time for it to become established, it’s worth it. It’s perfect for shaded areas in warmer climates.

These are the shade-tolerant grass varieties that you should choose if you live in the northern or southern region of the country. They will give you the best chance to have a beautiful lawn even in the shade.

If you want more information or you are looking for help with your lawn, we are happy to answer your questions or give you a quote based on your needs. Simply contact us here and we’ll get back to you quickly.

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