September Gardening Tips

Welcome to September! We are continuing our monthly gardening tips. Below are some of the things you want to do in September in your garden.

  • Show your lawn some TLC with fall lawn care. Thoroughly rake it to remove thatch and moss and then spike it for aerating your soil and improving the drainage. It’s also a good idea to sprinkle phosphate feed on it too.
  • Show your pond some attention. Clear any algae or duckweed, cut back the overhanging plants and then net its surface. This will stop the leaves from falling into it and cause your fish to suffocate.
  • Trim & mulch hedges. Do this when your soil’s damp so that you conserve water.
  • Plant daffodils, crocuses, and alliums to get ready for the spring season.
  • Trim and mulch hedges (when the soil is damp, to conserve moisture).
  • Order things like primula and cyclamen online or through a catalog and get them in the ground when they come.

These are some of the things that you want to do during September.

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