3 Fall Gardening Mistakes

Fall Gardening Mistakes

Fall is here and a lot of gardening will be winding down soon. However, there are some fall gardening mistakes that you should avoid making so that you have a better chance of a nice garden next year. Below are 3 fall gardening mistakes to avoid making.

Fall Gardening Mistakes 1 – Not Digging Out Weeds

Chances are that you have some weeds that you have been ignoring throughout the summer. But now is the time that you want to get rid of them. weeds are a great place for diseases and pests to live in. Not only that, but it’s going to be even harder to remove them when spring comes. So it’s best to do it now, before the first frost, since the ground is pliable. You also want to do it immediately after rain when the ground is wet.

Fall Gardening Mistakes 2 – Not Planting Perennials Early

It’s a good idea to plant your perennials early, before your first frost if you can. this is going to help them with taking roto prior to the weather being too cold in the winter.

Many perennials, such as coneflowers, are going to stick around even when temperatures are dropping. The ornamental grasses go throughout the winter, and you won’t have to cut it back until early in the spring.

Fall Gardening Mistakes 3 – Not Making Your Compost Pile

If you didn’t compost during the summer, it’s okay. You can do it now. Compost is a great way you can give the soil love and not have to spend a lot of money on new mulch. You probably know that mulch is great because it prevents weeds and will cut down on the money you spend on your home’s water bill. But composting is also a great way you can boost your garden.

These are three fall gardening mistakes that you should avoid making. If you have questions about our services or would like to take advantage of our fall cleanup service, contact us here for a quote.

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